Before you laugh and think I'm funny, weird or silly, you should know that I am serious. While growing up I have dealt with a little complex I like to call, inferiority. I hate the fact that every accomplishment in my life has been bookended by feelings of being too stupid or inadequate for even thinking about trying to reach beyond me. So naturally, when I heard that I had been accepted to law school at the University of San Francisco School of Law, I was excited and relieved and so confident in myself. Now, as the initial "honeymoon" phase begins to wear off and I begin to feel inklings of inadequacy, I write this post to say that I refuse to go through it again.
I must be positive about my accomplishments from here on out. Which is why, with no remorse or exaggeration I say this: I am so awesome! I really rock, like, a lot! I love who I am and what I have become so far. I am in a great place, with my favorite person by my side (smoochy smoochy, honey :). I will do well in law school and prove myself again and again. And when I become a successful lawyer, I will not be surprised but reassured that I am a successful person.