Sitting inside like that led to some great discussions, one of which was nature vs. nurture and personality differences. We decided to take a personality test. Have you heard of Myers-Briggs? It's a really good personality test. We took the test here.
In one of my Child Development classes, we discussed the idea of Nature vs. Nurture in great detail. Personalities are all different and while some aspects are learned, others are most definitely inborn. Understanding them better helps us to better understand ourselves and in turn become better people. It's easier to see our weaknesses and work to improve them. It's also nice to see our strengths laid out in front of us. I also think that understanding the different personalities of our children can make us much better and more effective parents.
I don't believe that taking a test like this is or should be used as an excuse for doing (or not doing) certain things. Saying things like, "it's just how I am" or, "that's just my personality" is incredibly immature and irresponsible. However, I do think that it can be beneficial to learn and understand more about your "personality type."
My Myers-Briggs personality type is INFP - the Dreamer. A few descriptions of this type are here, here, and here. It's actually really interesting - I feel like it fits me almost to a T. However, I've definitely noticed other "learned characteristics" not on the list that have helped me
Just a couple from my list are: Homer, Mary (mother of Jesus), Shakespeare, Neil Diamond, and the one that excited me most (from the fictional list)... Anne of Green Gables! (ok, I am a little obsessed)
So, what's your personality type?
My two oldest nephews (ages 19 and 21) are extremely obsessed with the Myers-Briggs personality type stuff, actually. They read this book that explains in detail all of the different personality types and as a result, they love to identify people's personality types in order to better understand them. It's kind of fun, but I always feel like I'm labeling people when I do that. Besides, it's not something I think about. The other day I was at institute with them when one of them asked me, "Did you notice how much of an 'S' our teacher was?" Why yes, that was my first thought.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I'm an ENFP. I like the way the ENFP profile described it: "ENFPs have a great deal of zany charm." It made me feel super awesome. Some people in my list are Robert Downey, Jr., Mark Twain, Sandra Bullock, and Ariel from 'The Little Mermaid.' So that's neat. I've always wanted to be a mermaid who has always wanted to be human.
I thought this was fun - I tested Ben and found out that he is an ENFJ. Then I found this - I guess we really are made for each other;)...
ReplyDeleteAlthough two well-developed individuals of any type can enjoy a healthy relationship, ENFJ's natural partner is the INFP, ENFJ's dominant function of Extraverted Feeling is best matched with INFP whose dominant function is Introverted Feeling. An ENFJ and INFP are ideally matched, because they share the Intuitive way of looking at the world..
General Relationship Weaknesses:
Tendency to be smothering and over-protective
Tendency to be controling and/or manipulative
Don't pay enough attention to their own needs
Tend to be critical of opinions and attitudes which don't match their own
Sometimes unaware of social appropriateness or protocol
Extremely sensitive to conflict, with a tendency to sweep things under the rug as an avoidance tactic
Tendency to blame themselves when things go wrong, and not give themselves credit when things go right
Their sharply defined value systems make them unbending in some areas
They may be so attuned to what is socially accepted or expected that they're unable to assess whether something is "right" or "wrong" outside of what their social circle expects.
May tend to be shy and reserved
Don't like to have their "space" invaded
Extreme dislike of conflict
Extreme dislike of criticism
Strong need to receive praise and positive affirmation
May react very emotionally to stressful situations
Have difficulty leaving a bad relationship
Have difficulty scolding or punishing others
Tend to be reserved about expressing their feelings
Perfectionistic tendancies may cause them to not give themselves enough credit
Tendency to blame themselves for problems, and hold everything on their own shoulders
General Relationship Strenghts:
Good verbal communication skills
Very perceptive about people's thoughts and motives
Motivational, inspirational; bring out the best in others
Warmly affectionate and affirming
Fun to be with - lively sense of humor, dramatic, energetic, optimistic
Good money skills
Able to "move on" after a love relationship has failed (although they blame themselves)
Loyal and committed - they want lifelong relationships
Strive for "win-win" situations
Driven to meet other's needs
Warmly concerned and caring towards others
Sensitive and perceptive about what others are feeling
Loyal and committed - they want lifelong relationships
Deep capacity for love and caring
Driven to meet other's needs
Strive for "win-win" situations
Nurturing, supportive and encouraging
Likely to recognize and appreciate other's need for space
Able to express themselves well
Flexible and diverse